Low-carb, Gluten-free Pumpkin Pie with Cottage Cheese

low-carb gluten-free pumpkin cottage cheese pie
  • Prep Time
    30 mins
  • Cook Time
    55 mins
  • Serving
  • Ready In
    1 hour 25 mins

Pumpkin Pie is the best choice on Keto Diet and Thanksgiving !

In Canada, there is a Thanksgiving holiday in early October. This is all about the turkey and of course the pumpkin. The entrances to the houses are decorated with smaller or larger pumpkins and the festive tables are also decorated with pumpkin decorations, and the festive menu is sure to include at least one of a kind pumpkin dish. Pumpkin pie is one of the most common and popular desserts at Thanksgiving in North America.  Of course, I had to bake  a Low-carb, Gluten-free Pumpkin Pie with Cottage Cheese, and I also sewed ourselves some pumpkin table decorations, which you can see on my pictures near the pie.  

low-carb gluten-free pumpkin cottage cheese pie

I love pumpkin in all forms, whether it’s cream souppancakescoffee latte and even jam, or just roasted pumpkin On the other hand, my husband was so disgusted with the pumpkin unfortunately, so that he couldn’t even look at it, even though I had read him 3 pages about the benefits and health effects of the pumpkin, he simply refused to eat it until now. Two weeks ago, I made some dark chocolate bonbons with pumpkin cream stuffing, which he tasted as he didn’t see what’s inside…. and…., can you imagine it?! This pumpkin bonbon became his favorite!!! So, if I wanted him to try my pie as well, I had to make it exactly the same taste as my pumpkin bonbon, that’s why cottage cheese got in the pie as well.

low-carb gluten-free pumpkin cottage cheese pie

Pumpkin on Keto? Yessss!

Basically, pumpkin is always a good choice in the keto diet, many types of squashes and pumpkins fit well because of its fundamentally low carb content. Although there are some very sweet varieties, such as Butternut or Delicata Squash,  100 g of most pumpkins contain around 5-10 g of carbs. I usually choose Acorn Squash, which has 8g of net carbs per 100g. The carb content of this Acorn squash is perfectly acceptable to me, but for whom, if this squash has a lot of carbs in it, choose the named “Pumpkin” variety, which contains only 5g in 100g (look at the picture).

Source: https://www.alixturoffnutrition.com/latest/guide-to-the-nutrition-in-squash

Source: https://www.alixturoffnutrition.com/latest/guide-to-the-nutrition-in-squash

This homemade Low-carb, Gluten-free Pumpkin Pie is made with a buttery pie crust filled with rich cottage cheese and creamy pumpkin spice filling, and topped with whipped egg white foam and a huge amount of pumpkin. This delicious pumpkin pie dessert is the perfect addition to your fall table!

low-carb gluten-free pumpkin cottage cheese pie

How to bake this Low-carb, Gluten-free Pumpkin Pie with Cottage Cheese?

Watch the video and follow the steps below and you can bake this pumpkin pie very easily. If you are not sure if you like pumpkin, I also highly recommend it to try this recipe, because this cottage cheese and pumpkin couple together gives you the best flavor that you will love!

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More Own Keto Pumpkin Inspired Recipes


For The Crust

For The Cottage Cheese Layer Filling

For The Pumpkin Puree Layer Filling

For the Pumpkin Top Layer


Per 1 slice of pie

  • Daily Value*
  • Calories: 244
    12 %
  • Fat: 19 g
    12 %
  • Total Carbs: 13 g
    20 %
  • Fiber: 6 g
    26 %
  • Sugar: 5 g
    12 %
  • Net Carbs: 6 g
    15.5 %
  • Protein: 7 g
    9 %
  • Sodium: 99 mg
    4 %
  • Potassium: 4038 mg
    115.5 %
  • Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000-calorie diet. Fat 165 g, Carbohydrate 40g, Fiber 25 g, (Sugar 40 g,) Protein 75 g, Sodium 2300 mg, Potassium 3,500 – 4,700 mg. To calculate the whole net carb content in food, have to subtract the fiber from the total number of carbs. Your individual daily values may be higher or lower depending on your own calorie needs.


low-carb gluten-free pumpkin cottage cheese pie

Put egg, a pinch of salt, butter and lard into a deep bowl.

low-carb gluten-free pumpkin cottage cheese pie

Add sweetener in it and mix well together with a handmixer.

low-carb gluten-free pumpkin cottage cheese pie

Mix almond flour with coconut flour and baking powder and add into the butter mixture.

low-carb gluten-free pumpkin cottage cheese pie

Add pumpkin spice in it,

low-carb gluten-free pumpkin cottage cheese pie

and knead them together well.

low-carb gluten-free pumpkin cottage cheese pie

Place the crust in pan. If you have a little leftover crust, you can strech it thin and cut some leafs with cookie cutters.

low-carb gluten-free pumpkin cottage cheese pie

Cover the crust edges with aluminum foil, then smear the leaves with beaten eggs before put them to oven. Bake the leaves for 10-15 minutes, and the pie for 20 minutes in the preheated oven on 350 F/180 C.

low-carb gluten-free pumpkin cottage cheese pie

While the pie base bake, put cottage cheese, sour cream, salt, beaten egg and sweetener into a deep bowl.

low-carb gluten-free pumpkin cottage cheese pie

Add lemon zest into it and mix well.

low-carb gluten-free pumpkin cottage cheese pie

Pour the cottage cheese mass over the pre-baked bottom crust and put back into the oven for 10-15 minutes. Dont't forget cover the crust edges with aluminum foil again, otherwise it can burn easily.

low-carb gluten-free pumpkin cottage cheese pie

Clean and cut pumpkin into small cubes.

low-carb gluten-free pumpkin cottage cheese pie

Cook the pumpkin with a little water. When water is gone, the pumpkin is ready.

low-carb gluten-free pumpkin cottage cheese pie

Add half dose pumpkin into a mixer with pumpkin spice, sugarfree white chocolate and egg yolks, and mix them together well.

low-carb gluten-free pumpkin cottage cheese pie

If the pumpkin mixture is too liquid/wet, put it into a bowl and cook it for a few minutes to evarate excess liquid from it.

low-carb gluten-free pumpkin cottage cheese pie

Pour the pumpkin puree on top of the cottage cheese layer and smooth evenly, then put the cake back into oven with aluminum foil on the crust edge and bake it for 10 minutes on 350 F / 180 C.

low-carb gluten-free pumpkin cottage cheese pie

Beat egg whites into hard foam with a pinch of salt and some sweetener to taste , then add pumpkin spice in it, beat them together more, finally add the another half dose cooked and filtered pumpkin cubes into the foam, but mix them gently, don't break pumpkin dices.

low-carb gluten-free pumpkin cottage cheese pie

Pour the egg white foam with pumpkin on top of the pumpkin puree layer and smooth evenly. Decorate with pecan then put the pie back into oven (without aluminum foil on the crust edge) and bake it for 10-15 minutes on 350 F / 180 C until ready.

low-carb gluten-free pumpkin cottage cheese pie

When the pie is baked, you can decorate it with cookie leaves, or just leave it withouth leaves. (Finally I did not put leaves on the top of the pie because I liked the pie much better only with pecan.


Although, pumpkin is a "fruit" of the fall, and usually people create pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving in the fall season, you can eat pumpkin meals and pumkin pie in all year, if you put some prepared (pre-cooked) dose of pumkin into the deep freezer because pumpkin is a very healthy option to take natural nutritions without too much carbohidrate.

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